28 August 2010

Corn Husk Doll

Some of my most favorite Christmas ornaments are made out of corn husks.  I decided to search for more a couple of days ago and I found a bunch on Ebay.  So then I thought, "I want to make corn husk dolls!"

I bought corn husks at the grocery store for $2.50 and printed out instructions from here.  The first corn husk doll was for my boy.  He wanted a superman corn husk doll.  It was harder than I thought and came out super creepy and was broken and in the trash before I could get any pictures.  My next doll was much cuter and much easier to make!  check it out:

Maybe it's super nerdy.  In fact, it probably is, but I had so much fun making this doll.  Now I want to learn how to make brooms!!!

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